Infection with 2019 novel coronavirus extends to infants
February 18, 2020
Nine infants with at least one infected family member have tested positive for the 2019 novel coronavirus.
As novel coronavirus outbreak evolves, critical care providers need to be prepared
February 18, 2020
Despite “substantial uncertainty” over impact outside China, any influx of seriously ill patients could strain EDs, inpatient units, or ICUs.
Flu increases activity but not its severity
February 14, 2020
A very red map now has 41 states at the highest level of influenza activity.
ACC issues guidance on cardiac implications of coronavirus
February 14, 2020
The document provides information on the potential cardiac implications from analog viral respiratory pandemics and offers early clinical guidance given current COVID-19 uncertainty.
Resetting your compensation
February 14, 2020
Hospitalists are earning more and professional revenues are not making up the difference.
Two new Novel Coronavirus cases confirmed among quarantined U.S. patients
February 13, 2020
The 14th and 15th cases of 2019-nCoV in the United States both occurred among patients who were under federal quarantine.
Pathways to new therapeutic agents for human coronaviruses
February 13, 2020
Researchers have been identifying old and new therapeutics to target metabolic pathways and modes of infection for human coronaviruses.
Newborn transfer may not reflect true rate of complications
February 13, 2020
Stratifying by hospital’s level of neonatal care should be considered.
Tools for preventing heart failure
February 13, 2020
SNOWMASS, COLO. – “There will be more than 1 million new cases of heart failure this year, and the vast majority of them could have been prevented.” – Gregg C. Fonarow, MD
Work the program for NP/PAs, and the program will work
February 12, 2020
A variety of challenges drive the need for better integration of NP/PA providers in hospital medicine.