Asymptomatic children may transmit COVID-19 in communities
September 3, 2020
A South Korean case series of 91 children with COVID-19 identified detectable viral RNA for approximately 2 weeks’ duration.
Statins linked to reduced mortality in COVID-19
September 3, 2020
A pooled analysis of available data suggest moderate- to high-intensity statin therapy may be beneficial in patients with COVID-19, researchers said.
Minidose edoxaban may safely cut AFib stroke risk in the frail, very elderly
September 3, 2020
Those who took the factor Xa inhibitor edoxaban (Savaysa) at the off-label dosage of 15 mg once daily showed a two-thirds drop in risk for stroke or systemic embolism, compared with patients who received placebo.
High mortality rates reported in large COVID-19 study
September 2, 2020
“What I found most illuminating was this whole concept of comorbid conditions. This provides suggestive data about who we need to worry about most and who we may need to worry about less.”
Interstitial lung abnormalities linked to COPD exacerbations
September 2, 2020
COPD patients with interstitial lung abnormalities had more frequent exacerbations and greater decline in lung function.
REALITY trial supports restrictive transfusion in anemic MI
September 2, 2020
Restrictive transfusion proves more effective and less costly than liberal transfusion.
Latest report adds almost 44,000 child COVID-19 cases in 1 week
September 2, 2020
Proportion of child cases highest in Wyoming, according to American Academy of Pediatrics and Children’s Hospital Association.
First randomized trial reassures on ACEIs, ARBs in COVID-19
September 2, 2020
The BRACE CORONA study found no difference in key outcomes between patients continuing versus stopping their medication.
HOME-PE trial clarifies which pulmonary embolism patients to treat at home
September 1, 2020
“Who’s happy with the HOME-PE trial? I think everybody.” – Dr. Stavros V. Konstantinides
ESC’s revised NSTE-ACS guidelines embrace hsT, personalized anti-ischemia treatments
August 31, 2020
The first guideline update in 5 years for non ST-elevation ACS stresses high sensitivity troponin for diagnosis and tailored antiplatelet treatments.