When should students resume sports after a COVID-19 diagnosis?
October 23, 2020
While many patients will be ready to gradually return to play after quarantining, cardiac symptoms should prompt additional evaluation.
No mortality benefit after intensive glucose control once Hb A1c curves equalize
October 23, 2020
Is there a reduction in cardiovascular events in veterans with type 2 diabetes who were treated with intensive glucose control versus standard therapy at 15 years’ follow-up?
COVID-19 vaccine standards questioned at FDA advisory meeting
October 23, 2020
Speakers asked for data showing COVID-19 vaccines can prevent serious illness and urged transparency about the agency’s deliberations for each product to be considered.
CDC expands definition of COVID-19 exposure from ‘close contact’
October 23, 2020
Four factors associated with higher risk for transmission are the proximity of each encounter, its duration, whether an interaction takes place indoors or outdoors, and the number of people encountered.
COVID-19: Convalescent plasma falls short in phase 2 trial
October 22, 2020
Convalescent plasma may reduce viral load, hospital stay, and mortality, but randomized controlled trials to date have ended prematurely.
FDA approves remdesivir, first treatment for COVID-19
October 22, 2020
The FDA also issued a new EUA for remdesivir allowing treatment of hospitalized pediatric patients younger than 12 weighing at least 3.5 kg.
Establishing a strong and lasting mentor/mentee relationship
October 22, 2020
In clinical training having guidance can greatly enhance your experience and direct your future career in unexpected ways.
Certain statins linked to lower mortality risk in patients admitted for sepsis
October 22, 2020
Statin use was associated with lower mortality, compared with no use, with hydrophilic and synthetic statins besting lipophilic and fungal-derived statins.
Rinse and repeat? Mouthwash might mitigate COVID-19 spread
October 22, 2020
"I would recommend the use of the rinses on top of wearing mask and social distancing. This could add a layer of protection for yourself and others."
Patients can read your clinical notes starting Nov. 2
October 22, 2020
“Open notes” mandates immediate patient access to inpatient and outpatient notes and testing and imaging results.