Vitamin D deficiency in COVID-19 quadrupled death rate
December 11, 2020
Nearly 60% of patients with COVID-19 were vitamin D deficient upon hospitalization, with men in the advanced stages of COVID-19 pneumonia showing the greatest deficit.
Getting to secure text messaging in health care
December 11, 2020
The stakes are higher for communication in the health care setting.
FDA panel overwhelmingly backs emergency authorization for Pfizer COVID vaccine
December 10, 2020
“I can assure you that no vaccine will be authorized for use in the United States until FDA career officials feel confident in allowing their own families to receive it.”
Reducing admissions for alcohol withdrawal syndrome
December 10, 2020
If alcohol detox were an ambulatory care sensitive condition, it would be the largest in the VA by a substantial margin.
Pfizer can’t supply additional vaccines to U.S. until June
December 10, 2020
Other countries have signed vaccine deals with Pfizer, so the U.S. may not be able to receive a second major allotment until the summer of 2021.
Can a health care worker refuse the COVID-19 vaccine?
December 10, 2020
Can hospitals require their employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19?
Natural history of adrenal incidentalomas with and without mild autonomous cortisol excess
December 10, 2020
Is there significant change in the tumor size or hormonal function of benign nonfunctioning adrenal tumors (NFATs) or adenomas causing mild autonomous cortisol excess (MACE) over time?
Fracking sites tied to increased heart failure hospitalizations
December 10, 2020
The results were consistent and robust among more than 9,000 patients with heart failure in Pennsylvania, a state steeped in controversy over fracking.
Calcium burden drives CV risk whether coronary disease is obstructive or not
December 10, 2020
That future cardiovascular risk tracks closely with plaque burden, but not so much with whether the coronary disease is obstructive, may never have been so clearly illustrated.
New tool may provide point-of-care differentiation between bacterial, viral infections
December 10, 2020
Early results suggest high diagnostic accuracy at low cost.