• Article

    Slow Down!

    April 18, 2023

    Slow down dear doc, rest your tired feet, Your Fitbit reads 20k steps, it’s 2 p.m. & you are beat! Multiple rounds of ER-Med Tele & OBS floor, This hamster wheel is spinning out of...

  • Article

    Thank You, My Fellow Hospitalists

    April 18, 2023

    Thank you, my fellow hospitalists, For being compassionate, and brave, and bold, For being an advocate for the young and the old, For every transfer accepted, from near or far, For every page...

  • Article

    Through the Lingering Smoke

    April 18, 2023

    No one told you How the smoke would linger On your clothes and in your hair Lining your nostrils You swear it lives inside your skin Somehow At times you forget Then catch the scent again You...

  • Article

    The Future of Hospital Medicine…Is Connected

    April 18, 2023

    Recently someone on Twitter, supposedly a physician, replied to one of my tweets calling out misinformation and tried to catch me in some trap about vaccine-induced cardiac events. She went on to...

  • Opinion

    Females and the Future of Hospital Medicine

    April 13, 2023

    I was unknowingly the future of hospital medicine, but it was a future that almost didn’t come true. The first time I stepped onto the hospital wards was with a physician who called himself a...

  • Opinion

    The Future of Hospital Medicine

    April 13, 2023

    In the future, the hospital's heart will beat With a rhythm that is new and sweet. Technology, including AI's might, Will aid patient care innovation, day and night.   The hospitalist will...

  • Article

    Healthcare Circus

    February 22, 2023

    Handoff, rounding, charting, click on sepsis alert. Consecutive 12-hour shifts, have to “Rinse & Repeat.” Luxury to pause, reflect, connect with patients & peers. Has, unfortunately,...

  • The Rabbit Hole or The Thin Red Line

    February 14, 2023

    The last two years have nearly drained my soul to the last drop. There have been so many moments that have been tear-stained, hopeless, dark, full of loss, and covered in blood. We have faced a...

  • Article

    What Does it Mean to Die?

    January 20, 2023

    What does it mean to die? Is it the abrupt ceasing of the heart, Or is it the transcendence into a new dimension, As your soul slowly departs.   What does it mean to die? Is death the mere...

  • Article


    January 19, 2023

    As a transplant, I wasn’t familiar with the city's geography. But I knew where the streets were, and that’s where we went. We all piled into the van—the outreach coordinator, nurse, attending,...