• Article

    What Does it Mean to Die?

    January 20, 2023

    What does it mean to die? Is it the abrupt ceasing of the heart, Or is it the transcendence into a new dimension, As your soul slowly departs.   What does it mean to die? Is death the mere...

  • Article


    January 19, 2023

    As a transplant, I wasn’t familiar with the city's geography. But I knew where the streets were, and that’s where we went. We all piled into the van—the outreach coordinator, nurse, attending,...

  • Article

    Mr. M

    December 1, 2022

    Dr. Migliore I step off the subway, up the elevator, and up several flights of stairs. There’s a homeless man there who always uses the last stair of the lower staircase as a tray for his food....

  • Article

    A Time of Self Reflection

    November 17, 2022

    A Q & A with SHM member, Karla Pambogo, RN, MBA It’s an exciting time to be part of hospital medicine as there are so many opportunities to get involved. Ms. Pambogo What’s your...

  • Article

    Scrubs or No Scrubs?

    November 16, 2022

    It's a question more and more physicians are asking--scrubs or no scrubs? Dr. Ashley Trotter and Dr. James Kim share their opinions on the topic. Have We Gotten Too Casual? By Ashley Trotter,...

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    Great White Shark

    October 24, 2022

    She says you seem to be in a rush, as if, a million things are going through your mind. As if the world is racing ahead, and you’re eagerly chasing behind.   She tells me about her dog...

  • Article

    Dear patients…

    October 3, 2022

    Dear patients... Yes, we heal what ails. We also comfort, when all else fails. We apply bandages to physical wounds, suture them well. We apply salve to your emotional scars, listen intently to...

  • Article

    Hospitalists’ Jam Session

    July 1, 2022

    These members of the band performed in Nashville: standing (L to R): Kevin Maguire, Do, FHM, John Nelson, MD, MHM, Robert Zipper, MD, MMM, SFHM, Thomas McIlraith, MD, CLHM, SFHM, and David Lake, MD;...

  • Opinion


    May 26, 2022

    Here adrift in this ocean I don’t know how long I have been treading water Up a swell Down a swell   Sometimes the water is still like glass Everywhere a new rippling horizon And...

  • Opinion

    What can I tell you of death?

    May 26, 2022

    We do not see it in our clean halls. It is not permitted. We spend our energy on the sick, the dead must be covered and carried away. I do not even know where they go.   When I arrive in...