Hospitalists’ EMR frustrations continue: SHM report
May 9, 2017
LAS VEGAS – Hospitalists say they are stymied and frustrated by continuing issues of interoperability, functionality, and access related to their electronic medical record systems.
VIDEO: Incoming AATS president outlines goals
May 4, 2017
BOSTON – Duke Cameron, MD, outlines his objectives as the next AATS president.
Presenters hand out tips for better handoffs
May 4, 2017
LAS VEGAS – I-PASS interventions for handoffs can reduce preventable adverse events by 30%.
VIDEO: NPs, PAs weigh common issues in hospitalist practice
May 4, 2017
As more NPs, PAs integrate into hospital medicine, policies could be limiting their usefulness.
Connect: Community hospitalists brainstorm ways to be stronger as a group
May 4, 2017
Strength in numbers: Community hospitalists call for ways to connect and support one another for better outcomes – and to improve morale.
Keys to de-escalating endocrine emergencies
May 4, 2017
There is a fine line between endocrine system compensation and decompensation, according to an expert who shared tips for treating acute endocrine conditions.
Highlights of Day 4
May 4, 2017
Sometimes the final day of a convention is nothing more than the “getaway day.” But not at HM17.
Welcome to the third and final day of HM17!
May 4, 2017
Welcome to the third and final day of HM17!Although it is the shortest day of the conference, day 3 is full of quality content, starting at 7:40 a.m. with a mini-track.If you are interested in hearing about the impact of November’s election on health care reform, join me at the Health Poli...
Hope and change
May 4, 2017
Dr. Robert Wachter, the dean of hospital medicine, will give his traditional last plenary address of the meeting on Thursday.
Stump the Professor event entertains, educates
May 3, 2017
Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD, professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, joked that participating in a “Stump the Professor” event is “like taking an oral exam in front of 300 or 400 people.”Dr. Dhaliwal passed his “exam” with flying colors...