HM18: Tick-borne illnesses
May 2, 2018
Climate change is good for ticks, but bad for humans.
Avoiding in-hospital acute kidney injury is a new imperative
April 29, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – The myth that acute kidney injury in certain hospitalized patients is inevitable has been destroyed.
Beware nonopiate meds with high street value
April 25, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – Use these safeguards when prescribing gabapentin and other high-abuse-potential drugs.
Impaired kidney function no problem for dabigatran reversal
April 23, 2018
ORLANDO – Idarucizumab, reversal agent for the anticoagulant dabigatran, worked fine in patients with renal dysfunction.
Nitrofurantoin beats fosfomycin for uncomplicated UTI
April 23, 2018
MADRID – Two venerable antibiotics battle it out in simple UTIs, but it’s nitrofurantoin by a knockout.
VTE risk after bariatric surgery should be assessed
April 22, 2018
SEATTLE – Thromboelastometry can play a role in identifying bariatric surgery patients at risk for VTE.
VIDEO: Fix physician burnout? You need more than yoga
April 20, 2018
Physicians looking to renew their professional satisfaction and personal well-being should turn to an unlikely ally.
Common infections are potent risk factor for MI, stroke
April 13, 2018
ORLANDO – Huge U.K. registry identifies a novel cardiovascular risk factor: hospitalization for UTI or respiratory infection.
From #MeToo to troponins: Updates in hospital medicine
April 13, 2018
How do you summarize a year’s worth of hospitalist-relevant research in an hour?
The ‘holy grail’ of thrombosis prevention
April 13, 2018
SAN DIEGO – One expert says it’s the ability to determine the risk of recurrence with or without continuation of anticoagulant treatment.