Rethinking preop testing
June 1, 2018
ORLANDO – Think twice before ordering that preoperative test, experts say.
Antibiotic stewardship in sepsis
May 31, 2018
Antibiotic use is the most important modifiable factor related to development of antibiotic resistance.
Simple tool improves inpatient influenza vaccination rates
May 31, 2018
TORONTO – The influenza rate could have been improved by an additional 22% had 77% of patients not refused vaccination.
Simple bedside tool effectively detected sepsis in the ED
May 30, 2018
An innovative measurement was successful in detecting sepsis.
Peer mentorship, groups help combat burnout in female physicians
May 29, 2018
NEW YORK – Female physicians are at higher risk of burnout in part because of lingering implicit and unconscious biases in society and the workplace.
MDR Candida auris is on the move
May 24, 2018
MADRID - C. auris made its first appearance in Spain 2 years ago, and infection control specialists are still struggling to eradicate it.
In-hospital mortality predictors eyed in pneumonia patient subset
May 22, 2018
About one in four intubated or mechanically ventilated patients with gram-negative pneumonia die during hospitalization, results from a large retrospective cohort study found.
For Gram-negative bacteremias, 7 days of antibiotics is enough
May 20, 2018
MADRID – Two weeks of antibiotic treatment conferred no benefits over 7 days of treatment in patients with Gram-negative bacteremias.
Three days of beta-lactam beat clinically stable CAP
May 19, 2018
For some community-acquired pneumonia patients, short-term antibiotic therapy is a viable alternative to traditional longer courses.
VIDEO: Pills alone not the answer for pain management
May 19, 2018
SANDESTIN, FLA. – A variety of approaches to pain management is absolutely crucial in the area of opioid abuse.