Timely culture reports lower LOS for neonatal fever
July 28, 2018
ATLANTA – Hospital’s procedural changes resulted in no increase in sepsis readmissions.
Asthma medication ratio identifies high-risk pediatric patients
July 27, 2018
ATLANTA – A quality metric for asthma exacerbation could be lead to a helpful app.
Short-course IV antibiotics okay for newborn bacteremic UTI
July 27, 2018
ATLANTA – There were few recurrences, no meningitis.
CMS proposes site-neutral payments for hospital outpatient setting
July 26, 2018
Site-neutral payments could save the government – and patients – money on every visit.
Skip ultrasound in acute UTI in small children
July 26, 2018
MALMO, SWEDEN – Wait at least 2 weeks after treatment initiation to avoid high false-positive rates triggering unnecessary invasive testing, a Polish study argues.
Enhanced recovery initiative improved bariatric length of stay
July 25, 2018
ORLANDO – Employing New Enhanced Recovery Goals for Bariatric Surgery (ENERGY) will generate data on best practices.
How to prescribe effectively for opioid use disorder
July 24, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – Know the disparate strengths and weaknesses of methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone for treating opioid addiction.
Internist comanagement of orthopedic inpatients boosts outcomes
July 19, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – Internist/hospitalist comanagement of total joint arthroplasty patients with orthopedists can improve key hospital outcomes.
HM18: ‘Things we do for no reason’
July 18, 2018
Physicians continue to practice low value care because of practice habits and lack of cost transparency.
Intranasal naloxone promising for type 1 hypoglycemia
July 17, 2018
ORLANDO – This development could help prevent autonomic failure in T1DM patients.