Rivaroxaban no help for heart failure outcomes
August 27, 2018
MUNICH - Rivaroxaban did not change outcome in patients with heart failure and coronary artery disease in the COMMANDER trial.
VTE risk unchanged by rivaroxaban after discharge
August 26, 2018
The MARINER study looked at postdischarge rivaroxaban in individuals who had been recently hospitalized and were at an increased risk of venous thromboembolism.
New Valsalva maneuver for SVT beats all others
August 21, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – A simple postural modification to the standard Valsalva maneuver boosts conversion rate.
A new, simple, inexpensive DVT diagnostic aid
August 20, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – The CBC holds info that outperforms the D-dimer test.
Prepare for ‘the coming tsunami’ of NAFLD
August 16, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – It’s time for primary care physicians to stop ignoring NASH, an expert says.
Childhood obesity linked to severe dental infections
August 14, 2018
Diet is only one factor.
Novel cEEG-based scoring system predicts inpatient seizure risk
August 10, 2018
LOS ANGELES – A validation study is currently underway on use of the 2HELPS2B scoring system to predict seizures in acutely ill hospitalized patients.
Next-gen sputum PCR panel boosts CAP diagnostics
August 10, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – The BioFire film array panel is now before the FDA.
Making the referral and navigating care
August 8, 2018
Hospitalists must consider how to best identify patients and conditions appropriate for transitions of care.
ED key to reducing pediatric asthma x-rays
August 1, 2018
ATLANTA – It takes more than a guideline to change behavior.