Home telemonitoring for heart failure cuts mortality
September 29, 2018
MUNICH – Large, national German TIM-HF2 trial also shows fewer hospitalizations than with usual care.
Point-of-care test for respiratory viruses lowers antibiotic use
September 27, 2018
PARIS – In patients presenting with respiratory infections, a point-of-care test for viral infections has been associated with a reduction in unnecessary admissions and antibiotics, saving resources and improving quality of care.
Signs point to growing abuse of gabapentinoids in the U.S.
September 25, 2018
LAS VEGAS – Several states have made gabapentin a Schedule V controlled substance while others have mandatory reporting of its dispensing and sales to prescription monitoring databases.
Residents curb IV antibiotic overuse in children
September 23, 2018
ATLANTA – A 21-fold price difference was seen between an IV antibiotic and its oral equivalent.
Troponin I: Powerful all-cause mortality risk marker in COPD
September 21, 2018
PARIS – The relationship between increased troponin I and increased all-cause mortality was observed in an on-going prospective multicenter cohort.
Azithromycin for COPD exacerbations may reduce treatment failure
September 17, 2018
PARIS – Started when patients with COPD are hospitalized for an exacerbation, a 90-day course of azithromycin improved multiple outcome measures in a placebo-controlled trial.
Hospitalist NPs and PAs note progress
September 14, 2018
Integrating NPs and PAs into hospitalist groups successfully is a “nuanced and multilayered” process.
More than half of urine drug screens showed improper medication use
September 13, 2018
LAS VEGAS – One sample in every five showed a combination of opioids and benzodiazepines, at least one of which was an unprescribed medication.
Zika virus infection: Novel assay extends diagnostic window
September 13, 2018
A novel pyrosequencing-based RT-PCR assay improves and expands diagnostic capabilities for Zika virus infection.
Pregnancy boosts cardiac disease mortality nearly 100-fold
September 12, 2018
MUNICH – Registry data from more than 5,700 women with cardiac disease who became pregnant provide insight on complication rates.