Bias in the clinical setting can impact patient care
October 12, 2018
Health care providers may harbor implicit, or unconscious, biases that contribute to health care disparities.
CT for evaluating pulmonary embolism overused
October 12, 2018
SAN ANTONIO – Computed tomography may be is overused for evaluation of pulmonary embolism.
ICU infections: Chlorhexidine wipes tame MRSA, CRE
October 11, 2018
SAN FRANCISCO – Decolonization tops precautions.
GARFIELD-AF registry: DOACs cut mortality 19%
October 10, 2018
MUNICH – Results from a worldwide registry with more than 26,000 atrial fibrillation patients showed better survival with a direct oral anticoagulant.
Obesity paradox extends to PE patients
October 9, 2018
SAN ANTONIO – The obese patients in the analysis had a lower mortality risk, despite receiving more thrombolytics.
Vancomycin loading boost yields better C. diff outcomes
October 9, 2018
A heightened loading dose of vancomycin may lead to faster recovery and greater efficacy in Clostridium difficile infections.
Pulmonary NP ensures care continuity, reduces readmissions
October 9, 2018
A pulmonary NP ensured continuity of care by keeping critical care teams “honest” before discharge home.
Discharge trends for septic shock survivors remain steady
October 8, 2018
SAN ANTONIO – Septic shock mortality has decreased, but discharge trends for survivors have remained steady.
Pulmonary circulation disorders predict noninvasive vent failure
October 8, 2018
SAN ANTONIO - Patients with alcohol abuse or fluid and electrolyte abnormalities also had a higher risk of needing intubation.
Chronic liver disease raises death risk in pneumonia patients
October 8, 2018
SAN ANTONIO – Liver disease increased the risk of intubation in pneumonia patients.