Pilot program addresses social determinants of health
May 21, 2019
WASHINGTON – Patients were most often in need of health and/or dental insurance.
HM19: Pediatric sepsis
May 21, 2019
Sepsis champions can help overcome barriers and continue performance bundles.
Early dexmedetomidine did not reduce 90-day mortality in ICU patients on mechanical ventilation
May 19, 2019
Those who received early dexmedetomidine for sedation had a rate of death at 90 days similar to that in the usual-care group and required supplemental sedatives to achieve the prescribed level of sedation.
Measles complications in the U.S. unchanged in posteradication era
May 15, 2019
CHICAGO –Approximately 25% of measles cases result in hospitalization, and the mortality risk is meaningful.
HM19: Interprofessional rounds
May 14, 2019
The purpose of interprofessional rounds is effective communication and efficient patient care.
Pilot program trains residents in telemedicine
May 13, 2019
WASHINGTON – Residents said their telephone visits allowed them to build rapport with patients.
N.Y. hospitals report near-universal CMV screening when newborns fail hearing tests
May 11, 2019
BALTIMORE – Screening by saliva swab, with urine PCR confirmation.
AFib screening cuts hospitalizations and ED visits
May 11, 2019
NEW ORLEANS – People diagnosed with atrial fibrillation by screening had fewer hospitalizations and ED visits than those diagnosed by usual care.
Biomarker-based score predicts poor outcomes after acute ischemic stroke
May 10, 2019
PHILADELPHIA – A free app and online calculator are available to calculate the four-item ‘CoRisk’ score.
SGLT2 inhibitors prevent HF hospitalization regardless of baseline LVEF
May 9, 2019
NEW ORLEANS – “At least in my mind, we have more than enough evidence at this point to say that SGLT2 inhibitors are effective in preventing heart failure,” Dr. Mikhail Kosiborod said.