How to nearly eliminate CLABSIs in children’s hospitals
August 15, 2019
One hospital went 6 months without a central line–associated bloodstream infection after quality improvements.
Novel score spots high-risk febrile children in ED
August 13, 2019
LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA – The age-adapted pediatric quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score had a 99.6% negative predictive value.
Procalcitonin advocated to help rule out bacterial infections
August 13, 2019
SEATTLE – Use of procalcitonin may help decrease lumbar punctures and antibiotic exposure.
In newborns, concentrated urine helps rule out UTI
August 8, 2019
SEATTLE – Dr. Raymond Parlar-Chun: “If urine is concentrated, you have [more confidence] that you don’t have a UTI if you’re negative.“
Hospital slashes S. aureus vancomycin resistance
August 7, 2019
LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA – Staphylococcus aureus resistance to vancomycin is not a one-way street ending in a cliff plunge.
IV fluid weaning unnecessary after gastroenteritis rehydration
August 6, 2019
SEATTLE – Saving “even a couple hours” to get kids out of the hospital quicker matters.
Too many blood cultures ordered for pediatric SSTIs
August 2, 2019
SEATTLE – Culture draws were associated with a 20% increase in hospital length of stay.
Dispatch from HM19: COPD updates
August 2, 2019
Every COPD exacerbation is associated with economic, social, and mortality burdens.
Enteral feeding is safe during bronchiolitis HFNC
August 2, 2019
SEATTLE – Parents feel better when they know their children are “getting food in their belly.”
Short-course azithromycin no benefit in pediatric asthma admissions
July 31, 2019
SEATTLE – Clinicians should consider these data before prescribing azithromycin to children hospitalized with asthma.