Statins may do double duty as antidepressants
September 10, 2019
COPENHAGEN – Mounting evidence suggests antidepressant efficacy for statins in immunometabolic-related depression.
Wrong cuff size throws off pediatric BP by 5 mm Hg
September 7, 2019
NEW ORLEANS – The study helps inform the use of a cuff that’s too big or too small when the correct sized cuff is unavailable.
HFNC 12 L/min on floor cuts down on bronchiolitis ICU transfers
September 2, 2019
Switching from 6 L/min makes a difference.
POP AGE shakes up DAPT in elderly
September 1, 2019
PARIS – Clopidogrel hailed as P2Y12 inhibitor of choice in older patients with non-ST-elevation ACS.
Use hospital MRSA rates to guide pediatric osteomyelitis treatment
August 28, 2019
SEATTLE – If your hospital MRSA rate is less than 10%, cefazolin is a reasonable empiric choice for acute pediatric hematogenous osteomyelitis.
CPAP safety for infants with bronchiolitis on the general pediatrics floor
August 26, 2019
SEATTLE – “Very, very few” hospitals do bronchiolitis CPAP outside of the ICU.
FUO, pneumonia often distinguishes influenza from RSV in hospitalized young children
August 22, 2019
LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA – “These findings open new possibilities for antimicrobial stewardship in these groups of virally infected children.” Dr. Cihan Papan.
Differential monocytic HLA-DR expression prognostically useful in PICU
August 19, 2019
LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA – European pediatric “study of the year” paves way for novel sepsis immunotherapies.
Presepsin can rule out invasive bacterial infection in infants
August 16, 2019
LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA – Novel test addresses unmet need for biomarker for invasive bacterial infection.
‘Substantial burden’ of enterovirus meningitis in young infants
August 16, 2019
LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA – “Not a single one of the patients with enterovirus/human parechovirus meningitis had a secondary bacterial infection – and that has important implications for management of our antibiotic stewardship programs,” said Dr. Seilesh Kadambari.