Opioid use disorder up in sepsis hospitalizations
February 23, 2020
ORLANDO – “While we don’t necessarily screen every sepsis patient for endocarditis, if it’s an opioid use disorder patient – particularly one with a bloodstream infection – then that’s almost certainly something you should be doing.”
Critical care admissions up for pediatric opioid poisonings
February 19, 2020
ORLANDO – Attempted suicide has represented an increasingly large proportion of these severe poisonings.
As novel coronavirus outbreak evolves, critical care providers need to be prepared
February 18, 2020
Despite “substantial uncertainty” over impact outside China, any influx of seriously ill patients could strain EDs, inpatient units, or ICUs.
Tools for preventing heart failure
February 13, 2020
SNOWMASS, COLO. – “There will be more than 1 million new cases of heart failure this year, and the vast majority of them could have been prevented.” – Gregg C. Fonarow, MD
Consider PET/CT when infectious source is a puzzler
February 11, 2020
CHICAGO – Benefits of a rapid full-body scan with high spatial resolution may offset reimbursement issues.
Cardiac arrest: Targeted temperature management a game changer
February 5, 2020
SNOWMASS, COLO. – “There are essentially no patients for whom temperature control somewhere in the range between 32 degrees C and 36 degrees C is contraindicated.”
Noninjectable modes of insulin delivery coming of age
February 2, 2020
Intranasally delivered insulin may also improve neurocognitive function.
What 2019’s top five CAD trials tell us
January 29, 2020
SNOWMASS, COLO. – Triple therapy as a triple threat – a three-pronged threat to patient safety, Dr. Malcolm R. Bell says.
HHS: Coronavirus risk low in U.S., vaccine development underway
January 28, 2020
U.S. health providers should be on the lookout for any patient who has traveled to China recently.
Cardiac biomarkers refine antihypertensive drug initiation decisions
January 22, 2020
PHILADELPHIA – Analysis showcases a better way to select patients for intensive BP lowering.