Score predicts risk for ventilation in COVID-19 patients
October 23, 2020
“If mild COVID disease in young patients caused cardiac injury, you can imagine what it can do to older patients with severe disease,” Dr. Alnababteh said.
When should students resume sports after a COVID-19 diagnosis?
October 23, 2020
While many patients will be ready to gradually return to play after quarantining, cardiac symptoms should prompt additional evaluation.
COVID-19: Convalescent plasma falls short in phase 2 trial
October 22, 2020
Convalescent plasma may reduce viral load, hospital stay, and mortality, but randomized controlled trials to date have ended prematurely.
Certain statins linked to lower mortality risk in patients admitted for sepsis
October 22, 2020
Statin use was associated with lower mortality, compared with no use, with hydrophilic and synthetic statins besting lipophilic and fungal-derived statins.
Cardiogenic shock rate soars in COVID-positive ACS
October 21, 2020
In-hospital mortality was quadrupled in COVID-positive STEMI patients.
Link between vitamin D and ICU outcomes unclear
October 20, 2020
When patients are admitted to the ICU, some biomarkers in the body are too high and others are too low. Vitamin D is often too low.
Fauci: Cautious optimism for COVID-19 vaccine by end of 2020
October 18, 2020
Top health official is “cautiously optimistic” for vaccine distribution before end of year, pending favorable safety and efficacy data.
NACMI: Clear benefit with PCI in STEMI COVID-19 patients
October 16, 2020
Angiography fell off but door-to-balloon times haven’t suffered, even with the pandemic, according to initial results from the North American registry.
Empagliflozin cut PA pressures in heart failure patients
October 12, 2020
The drops in pulmonary artery pressure were modest but large enough to be clinically meaningful, they appeared quickly, and increased over time.
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy ‘somewhat understandable,’ expert says
October 8, 2020
Dr. Offit predicts a vaccine may be able to be 75%-80% effective at preventing mild to moderate disease.