Asthma not an independent risk factor for severe COVID-19, hospitalization
February 28, 2021
There have been conflicting data on whether comorbid asthma is or is not a risk factor for more severe COVID-19.
Loss of smell lingers post COVID-19
February 24, 2021
The fact that the sense of smell had not returned to normal for half the participants so long after being infected is “novel and quite striking.”
SHM Converge: New format, fresh content
February 24, 2021
The Converge conference will still be offering networking sessions throughout – even in the virtual conference environment.
Six-month follow-up shows continuing morbidity for COVID-19 survivors
February 22, 2021
Ventilated ICU patients with COVID-19 continued to experience long term high levels of morbidity.
PPE protected critical care staff from COVID-19 transmission
February 11, 2021
Staff acquisition peaked 3 weeks before the peak of COVID-19 ICU admission.
Burnout rates in ICU staff fueled by shortages, overtime
February 11, 2021
Both ICU physicians and nurses have experienced high rates of burnout because of working conditions.
Dexmedetomidine, propofol similar in ventilated adults with sepsis
February 5, 2021
Guidelines currently recommend either drug when light sedation is needed for adults on ventilators.
Telehealth helps cut mortality risk among ICU patients
February 4, 2021
In the traditional model, critical care specialists may be on-site during the day but on call after hours.
In COVID-19 patients, risk of bleeding rivals risk of thromboembolism
January 12, 2021
Trials are urgently needed to define optimal anticoagulation strategies for COVID-19 infection.
A 4-point thrombocytopenia score was found able to rule out suspected HIT
January 11, 2021
A low score – 3 points or less – has a negative predictive value of 99.8%, “so HIT is basically ruled out.”