Colchicine before PCI for acute MI fails to improve major outcomes
March 17, 2021
In STEMI patients scheduled for PCI, preprocedural colchicine fails to improve outcomes in the randomized PodCAST-PCI trial.
Inpatient sodium imbalances linked to adverse COVID-19 outcomes
March 11, 2021
Hypernatremia during hospitalization was associated with increased COVID-19 mortality and to a greater need for ventilatory support.
DOACs offered after heart valve surgery despite absence of data
March 9, 2021
Use of direct oral anticoagulants following heart valve surgery is occurring despite relative contraindications, but expert doubts its clinical significance.
Five-day course of oral antiviral appears to stop SARS-CoV-2 in its tracks
March 9, 2021
“It has the potential to be practice changing; it’s not practice changing at the moment.”
Earlier antibiotic initiation for sepsis did not lead to overuse
March 3, 2021
There was marked acceleration in time-to-antibiotics for sepsis across VA hospitals but it was not associated with rising antibiotic use.
Education and networking are driving forces behind Converge platform
March 1, 2021
It will be possible to secure more CME credits at SHM Converge than at any previous SHM annual conference.
Hospitalist advisory board picks ‘must-see’ Converge sessions
March 1, 2021
From health care disparities to COVID-19 resources to Medical Jeopardy!, SHM Converge offers many great choices.
Immigrant hospitalists to share diverse experiences
March 1, 2021
SHM Converge session will illuminate who immigrant hospitalists are and serve as a call for understanding and tolerance.
Pulmonary and critical care session highlights new advances and research
March 1, 2021
Session to provide a broad look at advances both in the ICU and in general pulmonary medicine.
SHM Converge to be an ‘intellectual feast’
March 1, 2021
A year of planning for SHM Converge has produced a lineup of world-class speakers.