PRESERVED-HF: Dapagliflozin improves physical limitations in patients with HFpEF
September 14, 2021
The SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin boosted KCCQ scores and 6-minute walk distance in HFpEF patients in a 324-patient randomized trial.
COVID-19 spares lung function in young adults
September 10, 2021
“We found no effect of COVID-19 on spirometric lung function in generally healthy adults.”
Growing proportion of cardiac arrests in U.S. considered opioid related
September 10, 2021
Due to a steep rise, opioid-associated cardiac arrests have become a major public health issue.
Medical education must takes broader view of disabilities
September 9, 2021
Strategies for disability education can help health care providers reduce disparities in care for the disabled.
Choosing Wisely campaign targets waste and overuse in hospital pediatrics
September 8, 2021
Multiple medical societies collaborated to develop guidelines for high-value care with less unnecessary testing and hospitalization.
COVID-19 continues to complicate children’s mental health care
September 8, 2021
One pediatric hospital’s strategies for managing medical and mental health in the wake of the ongoing pandemic.
‘Lopioid protocol’ – low-dose opioids – proposed for fracture surgery
September 3, 2021
“Managing narcotics postoperatively can be challenging due to the fact that many people come into these fractures with a history of narcotic use.”
Two swings, two misses with colchicine, Vascepa in COVID-19
September 1, 2021
The study cohorts varied from healthcare and public workers at high risk for infection to individuals already hospitalized with COVID-19.
EMPEROR-Preserved spouts torrent of reports on empagliflozin treatment of HFpEF
August 31, 2021
The primary report from EMPEROR-Preserved on using empagliflozin to treat patients with HFpEF arrived with four other analyses published in its wake.
Dapagliflozin in HFrEF may cut arrhythmias, sudden death: DAPA-HF
August 27, 2021
Response to the positive findings was tempered, however, by the post hoc nature of the analysis, choice of primary outcome, and inconsistencies between key subgroups.