EMPEROR-Preserved findings confirmed in ‘true’ HFpEF patients
November 17, 2021
A landmark trial proved empagliflozin’s efficacy in HFpEF, but many patients had “moderately reduced” EFs. The findings hold up even without them.
Ticagrelor reversal agent achieves quick hemostasis: REVERSE-IT
November 17, 2021
The monoclonal antibody bentracimab, which can rapidly reverse ticagrelor, was found effective and safe in an FDA-requested interim analysis of a phase 3 trial.
EHRs have no impact on inpatient heart failure clinical choices or outcomes
November 15, 2021
Relative to usual care, prognostic information at the bedside provided no advantage for heart failure care.
BP Track: Blood pressure control rates dropped during pandemic
November 14, 2021
Data culled from 24 health systems showed lower rates of blood pressure control during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Droperidol/midazolam combo curbs agitation in ED patients
November 2, 2021
A combination of haloperidol and lorazepam has been widely used to curb agitation in these patients, but droperidol and midazolam could be more effective, owing to faster onset of action.
Earlier discharge after surgery may come at the expense of post-discharge complications
October 29, 2021
“Our ultimate takeaway message is that there is a black hole that needs to be addressed between the time a patient gets discharged from the hospital to their first post-operative visit.”
A pill for C. difficile works by increasing microbiome diversity
October 25, 2021
“I think this marks a moment in this space where we’re going to have better, safer, and more available options for patients.”
COVID-19 ICU visit restrictions add to staff stress, burnout
October 21, 2021
“Understanding the ways these restrictions impact providers and patients can help guide future interventions to improve communication with families and reduce provider burnout.”
Sepsis multiplies in-hospital mortality risk in COPD
October 21, 2021
Among nearly 7 million hospitalizations in which the primary diagnosis was COPD, nearly 65,000 (0.93%) patients experienced sepsis as a complication.
Comorbidities larger factor than race in COVID ICU deaths?
October 21, 2021
Racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 mortality rates may be related more to comorbidities than to demographics, suggest authors of a new study.