Converging to build for tomorrow
June 16, 2021
This moment in history demands synergy, cooperation, and creativity.
New world order: Reflecting on a year of COVID
June 9, 2021
The skills needed to manage chaos are different from those that leaders use in simple ordered times.
The COVID-19 pandemic and changes in pediatric respiratory and nonrespiratory illnesses
May 26, 2021
Reduced transmission of infectious agents may not fully explain these findings.
Hospital at Home: Delivering hospital-level care without the hospital
May 25, 2021
The future of HaH depends on development of a common payment model that will be adopted beyond the pandemic.
Cultivating emotional awareness
May 24, 2021
Cultivating emotional awareness is a simple technique to maintain equanimity as we do emotionally turbulent work.
Trends in hospital medicine program operations during COVID-19
May 13, 2021
Hospitals faced unprecedented financial challenges in 2020, and these effects rippled through to hospitalists.
A tumultuous and unforgettable year
May 11, 2021
SHM will continue to pay deep attention to the activities that bring value to hospitalists.
Navigating challenges in COVID-19 care
April 15, 2021
Communicate frequently, adapt on a daily to weekly basis, and continuously scan the science for opportunities to improve care delivery.
Disparities and racism in health care
April 8, 2021
In order to tackle structural racism in health care, organizations must take a multifaceted approach.
The COVID-19 push to evolve
April 6, 2021
Responding to financial stressors is not a novel challenge for community pediatric hospital medicine programs.