Gun Violence is a Public Health Crisis and as Hospitalists, It’s Time to Step Up
July 12, 2022
I did not think that becoming a pediatric hospitalist would require me to become an expert in firearm injury, but here I am. Every day more than 300 people are shot in the United States.1,2 That fact...
10 Facts for Hospitalists About Abortion
June 24, 2022
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe versus Wade is expected to result in a wave of state laws limiting access to reproductive health. This highlights why clinicians should stay current...
How Principles of High-Intensity Interval Training Can Boost Your Career Productivity
June 1, 2022
HIIT your goals! Everyone manages never-ending career and personal demands, and hospitalists are no different. We’re treating and caring for patients and dealing with urgent issues that need our...
Prescriptions for health and happiness
May 2, 2022
In addition to all the fear and chaos it has wreaked, COVID-19 has changed the way we think about our health. Thanks to the psychological, and even the physical, impacts of protracted quarantines and...
Back to basics
April 1, 2022
Dr. Siy Where does one begin as we charge into a third year of a pandemic? Hospitalists have leaped hurdle after hurdle to care for COVID-19 patients and those we cared for in congregate living...
Workforce Issues
April 1, 2022
Silver linings emerge for hospitalists For Elisabeth Souther, MD, chief of hospital medicine at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, a rural, academic hospital with almost 400 beds in Lebanon, N.H.,...
Drinking from the fire hose of emerging medical literature
April 1, 2022
We’ve all said to ourselves hundreds of times, “I need to stay more up to date on the medical literature.” For hospitalists with ever-increasing patient care and administrative...
The evolution of the hospitalist
March 30, 2022
Dr. Ramanathan Dr. Chmelik The term hospitalist was coined in 1996 in a New England Journal of Medicine article written by Dr. Robert Wachter—often considered the father of the field. The need...
Top 10 leadership tips from Dr. Eric Howell
March 1, 2022
Dr. Howell While preparing for National Hospitalist Day, I began reflecting on how fortunate I am to be a hospitalist and on the aspects of leadership that have allowed me to successfully...
It’s time for a change
March 1, 2022
Much has been written about the challenges frontline health care workers have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Long hours, excessive death, and fear for one’s own safety and the welfare of...