Simple Strategy for Addressing Problematic Patient Behavior
August 1, 2016
Linden Spital, NP, a psychiatric mental-health nurse practitioner, staffs the Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Service at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Lesson in Improper Allocations, Unaccounted for NP/PA Contributions
June 22, 2016
I visited during a hot Florida summer in the mid 1990s and could readily see that the practice was great in most respects. The large multispecialty group had recruited talented hospitalists and had put in place effective operational practices.
Things Hospitalists Want Hospital Administrators to Know
May 24, 2016
I think it is really cool that this publication has a series of articles on “What Cardiologists [or infection disease specialists, nephrologists, etc.] Want Hospitalists to Know.” I’m always interested to see which clinical topics made the list and which I’m already reasonably familiar with versus k
8 Lessons for Hospitalists Turned Entrepreneurs
May 7, 2016
If you are a hospitalist, you are an entrepreneur almost by definition. All hospitalists are continuously engaged in improving the hospital experience for our patients.
Attributes of Successful Hospitalist Groups
April 27, 2016
In the first two installments of my own list of attributes that are important underpinnings of successful hospitalist groups, I covered group culture and decision making, recruiting, the importance of a written policy and procedure manual and performance dashboard, and roles for advanced practice cl
Tips for Policy and Procedure Manuals, Along with Roles for NP/PAs
March 31, 2016
Editor’s note: Second in a three-part series. This month continues my list of important issues that help position your hospitalist group for greatest success.
Revisiting the ‘Key Principles and Characteristics of an Effective Hospital Medicine Group’
March 10, 2016
It has been two years since the “Key Characteristics” was published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine.1 The SHM board of directors envisions the Key Characteristics as a tool to improve the performance of hospital medicine groups (HMGs) and “raise the bar” for the specialty. At SHM’s annual mee
A Closer Look at Characteristics of High-Performing HM Groups
March 2, 2016
Early in 2015, SHM published the updated edition of the “Key Principles and Characteristics of an Effective Hospital Medicine Group,” which is a free download via the SHM website.
A New Schedule Could Be Better for Your Hospitalist Group
January 13, 2016
Present “hospitalist” in a word association exercise to a wide range of healthcare personnel in clinical and administrative roles, and many would instantly respond with “seven-on/seven-off schedule.” Some numbers from SHM’s 2014 State of Hospital Medicine report: 53.8%: Portion of hospitalist
Concerns Grow as Top Clinicians Choose Nonclinical Roles
December 22, 2015
On a spring day a couple of years ago, I met with some internal medicine residents in a “Healthcare Systems Immersion” elective.