Hand washing and hand sanitizer on the skin and COVID-19 infection risk
March 23, 2020
With regard to the effectiveness of hand washing against viruses, the length of time spent hand washing has been shown to have an impact on influenza-like illness.
Preventable diseases could gain a foothold because of COVID-19
March 23, 2020
Measles and influenza are two deadly infectious diseases for which there are vaccines.
Standing by and still open for business during COVID-19 pandemic
March 19, 2020
“With the relaxing of telehealth requirements for Medicare that were announced on March 17, I’m setting up to ‘see’ patients remotely,” says Dr. Allan M. Block.
COVID-19 guidance for children’s health care providers
March 18, 2020
Accurate information calmly delivered is the antidote to anxiety or panic in a stressful situation.
Physicians and health systems can reduce fear around COVID-19
March 18, 2020
“We must look after our patients. But we also have to look after ourselves so that we can look after our patients,” said Dr. Peter M. Yellowlees.
CME in the time of COVID-19
March 18, 2020
Annual medical conferences usually are a great way to get an infusion of CME credits, brush up on cutting-edge treatments, and review the basics, Dr. Jacqueline Posada said.
COVID-19 in pediatric patients: What the hospitalist needs to know
March 17, 2020
Children could be very efficient vectors of COVID-19 and potentially spread the pathogen to vulnerable populations.
Psychiatric patients and pandemics
March 16, 2020
We have decided to restrict visitors out of the concern that one may infect a ward of patients and staff.
COVID-19 in children, pregnant women: What do we know?
March 16, 2020
The remarkable observation is how few seriously ill children have been identified in the face of global spread of the novel coronavirus 2019.
Hospital medicine physician leaders
March 13, 2020
Lead hospitalist duties can extend from daily operations to leading the strategic vision of a health system.