Surge in firearm sales tied to COVID-19 fears, uncertainty presents risks
April 2, 2020
Social isolation is difficult for any person and may be even more traumatic for people with underlying vulnerabilities, including mental illness, said Dr. Jack Rozel.
The Return of the Plague: A Primer on Pandemic Ethics
March 31, 2020
I am writing this editorial on a beautiful day in the high desert of the Southwest: a bright blue clear sky such as you see only in the mountain air, a sun warm and comforting, and birds singing as if they had not a care in the world. Spring has come early as ...
‘We will get through this’: Advice for lessening your pandemic anxiety
March 31, 2020
You must first think about protecting yourself by limiting your exposure and monitoring your own physical state for any COVID-19 symptoms, said Dr. Jeffrey A. Lieberman.
Are psychiatrists more prepared for COVID-19 than we think?
March 31, 2020
Psychiatrists are on the cutting edge of how to address the pandemic of fear and uncertainty gripping individuals and society across the nation, said Dr. Jacqueline Posada.
In the Phoenix area, we are in a lull before the coronavirus storm
March 30, 2020
Every bed possible is being kept open for the feared onslaught of coronavirus patients in the coming weeks. Protective equipment, already in short supply, is being stockpiled as it becomes available. Plans have been made to erect triage tents in the parking lots.
Two decades of leadership
March 27, 2020
Dr. Larry Wellikson has a deep appreciation of the relationships that he has developed and nurtured.
Psychiatrists deemed ‘essential’ in time of COVID-19
March 25, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic weighs heavily on psychiatric patients with conditions such as anxiety, depression and PTSD. Meanwhile, a national poll released March 25 by the American Psychiatric Association shows that almost half of all Americans are anxious about contracting COVID-19 and ...
Is COVID-19 leading to a mental illness pandemic?
March 25, 2020
Physicians can empower people by helping them to develop skills aimed at focusing on positive aspects of life, said Dr. Robert T. London.
Dr. Douglas Paauw reflects on practicing in the COVID-19 world
March 25, 2020
He describes his experiences treating patients during this unsettling time.
Get out the inpatient vote
March 24, 2020
Hospitalized patients represent a significant number of potential voters who are functionally disenfranchised.