Wave, surge, or tsunami
July 14, 2020
Predictive models for COVID-19 have strengths and weaknesses and none are perfect.
COVID-19: Haiti is vulnerable, but the international community can help
July 1, 2020
Deep distrust has undermined the messages of public health officials, said Mr. Dorcela and Mr. St. Jean.
The wave of the future
July 1, 2020
SHM’s founding CEO Dr. Larry Wellikson is retiring, and Dr. Eric Howell is assuming his leadership role.
How racism contributes to the effects of SARS-CoV-2
June 29, 2020
Underrepresented minorities face systemic bias and racism when interacting with the healthcare system, Dr. Salles writes.
Endothelial injury may play a major role in COVID-19–associated coagulopathy
June 29, 2020
Dr. Alan P. Lyss reviews research suggesting endotheliopathy may be a marker of COVID-19 severity.
What COVID-19 has taught us about senior care
June 24, 2020
The insights gained from this pandemic can lead to a more comprehensive outreach to senior patients.
Telehealth and medical liability
June 24, 2020
Is the “in-person” standard of care appropriate for telemedicine?
Guidance on infection prevention for health care personnel
June 23, 2020
Many clinicians have asked whether a physician should use a mask while seeing patients without COVID-19 in the office.
Farewell to Larry Wellikson, MD, MHM
June 23, 2020
SHM cofounders praise the Society's outgoing CEO.
The plague of racism in our society
June 22, 2020
COVID-19 and racial injustice are both plagues upon our medical house.