COVID-19 and the myth of the super doctor
August 14, 2020
What does it mean to be a hero, and what is the cost of hero worship, asks Dr. Tanya Thomas.
How to truly connect with your patients
August 14, 2020
Human connection in health care is the need of the hour.
Action and awareness are needed to increase immunization rates
August 13, 2020
There is much work to be done to catch up with vaccinations missed because of the pandemic.
Pandemic effect: Telemedicine is now a ‘must-have’ service
August 13, 2020
Survey examines patients’ perception of safety and their telemedicine experience.
Long-lasting COVID-19 symptoms: Patients want answers
August 11, 2020
Patient who have recovered from COVID-19 may be wondering when their disease will finally resolve.
iResident: Virtual care on hospital medicine teaching services during a pandemic
August 11, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic response has demonstrated that virtual care plays an instrumental part in patient care.
Children’s doctors in the world of adults
August 7, 2020
Pediatric hospitalists in New York City volunteered to treat adult patients during the COVID-19 surge.
When you see something …
August 6, 2020
Even the fields of science and medicine may generate some bad apples.
Reflections from PHM’s chief fellow
August 4, 2020
We must ensure that our desire to have productive academic faculty does not result in the loss of those with clinical expertise.
COVID-19–related skin changes: The hidden racism in documentation
July 31, 2020
It is not a stretch to suggest that skin manifestations associated with COVID-19 may look very different in darker skin.