Dining restrictions, mask mandates tied to less illness, death, CDC reaffirms
March 8, 2021
“When prevention measures like mask-wearing mandates are lifted, cases go up.”
BMI, age, and sex affect COVID-19 vaccine antibody response
March 5, 2021
Study finds that older and heavier men have lower antibody responses to the Pfizer mRNA vaccine than do younger, leaner, and female recipients.
Inpatient telemedicine can help address hospitalist pain points
March 3, 2021
The extent to which telemedicine is able to positively impact patient care will revolve around overcoming barriers.
Late-window stroke thrombolysis not linked to clot migration
March 3, 2021
This is the first randomized controlled study to assess the effect of thrombolysis on clot migration and accessibility in an extended time window.
Earlier antibiotic initiation for sepsis did not lead to overuse
March 3, 2021
There was marked acceleration in time-to-antibiotics for sepsis across VA hospitals but it was not associated with rising antibiotic use.
Study clarifies who gets post–COVID-19 interstitial lung disease
March 3, 2021
A study of post–COVID-19 patients found that the sickest are vulnerable to severe lung disease after discharge, but they respond to steroid therapy.
Neurologic disorders ubiquitous and rising in the U.S.
March 2, 2021
Most of the rise in disease burden could be attributed to population aging, while age-standardized figures showed stroke and dementias to be level or declining, offering hope that prevention measures may be having an effect.
Decline in children’s COVID-19 cases slows
March 2, 2021
New deaths during the week of Feb. 19-25 were up from the week before.
Thirteen percent of patients with type 2 diabetes have major ECG abnormalities
March 2, 2021
ECGs from more than 8,000 Dutch patients with type 2 diabetes, most without known cardiovascular disease, show that major abnormalities are not unusual.
COVID-19 vaccination linked to less mechanical ventilation
March 1, 2021
A new paper offers a “real-world” look at vaccination effectiveness, according to the authors.