Being overweight ups risk of severe COVID-19 in hospital
April 29, 2021
This research “adds to the known data on the associations between obesity and severe COVID-19 disease and extends these findings” to patients who are overweight and/or have diabetes.
IV drug users: The new face of candidemia
April 28, 2021
Intravenous drug use is an increasingly common risk factor for candidemia as the opioid crisis worsens.
Pfizer developing pill to treat COVID-19 symptoms
April 28, 2021
An oral drug could be taken at home and might keep people out of the hospital.
Psoriasis associated with an increased risk of COVID-19 in real-world study
April 28, 2021
Those treated with TNF-alpha inhibitors, methotrexate, and apremilast had statistically lower risks of COVID-19 vs. those on topical therapy.
CDC: Vaccinated people can mostly drop masks outdoors
April 27, 2021
It is a minor – but still significant – step toward the end of pandemic restrictions.
Half of patients in hospital for COVID-19 get acute kidney injury
April 27, 2021
It’s bad news when hospitalized COVID-19 patients develop acute kidney injury, which can prove fatal or can lead to the development or worsening of CKD.
Infective endocarditis from IV drug use tied to hemorrhagic stroke
April 27, 2021
The incidence of patients with IVDU-associated endocarditis increased 630% from 2014 to 2018.
Pediatric bronchiolitis: Less is more
April 27, 2021
With bronchiolitis still the poster disease for low-value interventions, it’s time to retire widely used but ineffective therapies and focus on supportive care, researchers say.
Trend reversed: New cases of COVID-19 decline in children
April 27, 2021
Children’s share of weekly cases continues to rise, setting another pandemic high.
Thyroid hormone analogues can reverse NASH
April 27, 2021
In patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and stages 1-3 fibrosis, does the thyroid hormone receptor beta-agonist, resmetirom reduce hepatic steatosis compared with placebo?