Update in Hospital Medicine relays important findings
May 13, 2021
Two panelists highlighted the year of research in areas most relevant and important to hospital medicine.
CDC: Vaccinated? You don’t need a mask indoors
May 13, 2021
“Anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask or physically distancing.”
Smart prescribing strategies improve antibiotic stewardship
May 13, 2021
Ruling out UTIs and limiting antibiotic duration in pneumonia patients can help reduce resistance and improve outcomes.
CDC recommends use of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine in 12- to 15-year-olds
May 13, 2021
ACIP voted 14-0 in favor of the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine in younger teens.
Reassuring data on impact of mild COVID-19 on the heart
May 12, 2021
“Mild COVID-19 left no measurable cardiovascular impact on LV structure, function, scar burden, aortic stiffness, or serum biomarkers.”
What to know about COVID-19 vaccines and skin reactions
May 12, 2021
These manifestations can appear several days after an injection but tend not to be serious.
Small increase seen in new COVID-19 cases among children
May 11, 2021
Data-administration issues in Rhode Island raised its case total by 30% in just 1 week.
Dr. Fauci: Feds may ease indoor mask mandates soon
May 11, 2021
“We do need to start being more liberal as we get more people vaccinated,” Dr. Fauci said. “As you get more people vaccinated, the number of cases per day will absolutely go down.”
FDA authorizes Pfizer COVID vaccine for teens 12-15
May 11, 2021
The much-expected decision increases the likelihood that schools in the United States will fully reopen in the fall – a goal of both the Biden and Trump administrations.
NSAIDs don’t make COVID-19 worse in hospitalized patients
May 11, 2021
In a British study, hospitalized patients didn’t fare worse if they’d taken NSAIDs regularly before admission.