Procalcitonin-guided antibiotic stewardship for lower respiratory tract infection
May 18, 2021
For hospitalists, the most clinically useful role for PCT testing is to guide the duration of antibiotic therapy.
COVID-19 in children: Weekly cases drop to 6-month low
May 18, 2021
No increase seen in children’s share of weekly and cumulative cases.
Dr. Fauci: Extraordinary challenges, scientific triumphs with COVID-19
May 18, 2021
“The speed and efficiency with which these highly efficacious vaccines were developed, and their potential for saving millions of lives, are due to an extraordinary multidisciplinary effort.”
FIDELIO-DKD: Finerenone cuts new-onset AFib in patients with type 2 diabetes and CKD
May 18, 2021
A prespecified, exploratory analysis from the FIDELIO-DKD trial showed that the nonsteroidal MRA finerenone significantly cut new-onset AFib.
Dapagliflozin misses as treatment for COVID-19 but leaves intriguing signal for benefit
May 18, 2021
The SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin was not associated with significant benefit in COVID-19 patients but came close.
Planning for SHM Converge 2022 now underway
May 17, 2021
SHM Converge 2022, scheduled for April 2002 in Nashville, will be the first in-person annual conference in three years.
Omics analysis links blood type to COVID-19
May 17, 2021
Within the ABO gene, the research also turned up evidence that blood type O may be protective against COVID-19.
PARADISE-MI: Sacubitril/valsartan can’t beat ramipril in patients with acute MI
May 15, 2021
When treating patients with no history of heart failure within days of an acute myocardial infarction, sacubitril/valsartan showed safety but no clear superiority to ramipril.
PHM groups issue Choosing Wisely® recommendations
May 14, 2021
The recommendations will allow pediatric hospitalists to lead change throughout their hospitals and health care systems.
Among asymptomatic, 2% may harbor 90% of community’s viral load: Study
May 14, 2021
“Walking around a college campus can be as dangerous as walking through a COVID ward in the hospital, in that you will experience these viral ‘supercarriers’ equally in both settings.”