In acute lower GI bleeding, there may be no benefit to early colonoscopy
June 4, 2021
Does early colonoscopy within 24 hours of presentation for adults with acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding improve outcomes, compared with elective colonoscopy beyond 24 hours?
Better ways to handle in-hospital conflicts
June 4, 2021
Managing conflicts better can improve patient care but can also benefit clinicians.
Postop palliative care may improve outcomes for those undergoing high-risk surgery
June 3, 2021
Does palliative care consultation improve perception of care for high-risk surgery patients?
In-hospital resuscitation: Focus on effective chest pumps, prompt shocks
June 3, 2021
Consider mechanical piston compressions and even “reverse CPR” when appropriate.
Mortality trends in childhood after infant bacterial meningitis
June 3, 2021
Pneumococcal bacteria were associated with the highest mortality.
Hospitalists play key role in advance care planning
June 2, 2021
It’s important to distinguish advance care planning from advance directives.
CDC: New botulism guidelines focus on mass casualty events
June 2, 2021
The new guidance “was really specific [and] was meant to address the gap in guidance for mass casualty settings.”
Subclinical myocarditis found in some athletes post COVID
June 2, 2021
A study that evaluated college athletes recently infected with COVID-19 with comprehensive cardiac testing, including MRI, found a small percentage had myocarditis despite being asymptomatic.
High-flow nasal cannula improves dyspnea in palliative care patients with respiratory failure
June 2, 2021
Does a high-flow nasal cannula improve acute dyspnea in palliative care patients?
Avoiding excess oxygen in mechanically ventilated patients ‘seems sensible’
June 2, 2021
Future trials “will have to address how a particular [oxygenation] target is both set and achieved in each group of patients, particularly those with specific organ injuries.”