In the Literature: The latest research you need to know
November 2, 2011
Care-transitions intervention and rates of hospital readmission; Post-pneumonia CXR and rates of lung cancer identification; Hospitalist outcomes during and after hospitalization; Timing of smoking cessation and surgical outcomes
High-Performing Hospitals Invest in QI Infrastructure
October 4, 2011
A new study evaluating outcomes for hospitals participating in the American Heart Association’s Get with the Guidelines program found no correlation between high performance on adhering to measures and care standards for acute myocardial infarction and for heart failure despite overlap between the s
Pediatric HM Literature
October 2, 2011
Incidence Rates of Kernicterus Remain Unchanged
In the Literature: HM-Related Research You Need to Know
October 1, 2011
Physician reviews of HM-related research, including PCI vs. CABG for left main coronary artery disease, CABG vs. medical therapy in severe LV dysfunction, linezolid vs. glycopeptides for nosocomial pneumonia, biomarkers to differentiate pneumonia from obstructive lung disease
What is the best approach to treat an upper-extremity DVT?
October 1, 2011
Key Points: UEDVT risk factors include central venous catheters, malignancy, thoracic outlet syndrome or other anatomic abnormalities, previous DVT, “effort-related” activities, and hypercoagulable states; A significantly increased mortality rate exists among people diagnosed with UEDVT; UEDVT should be treated similarly to LEDVT: UFH or LMWH followed by warfarin for at least three months; The ACCP recommends against the routine use of thrombolytics, angioplasty, stent placement, or surgery. Still, some patients may benefit from these approaches, so each patient should be considered individually.
Laborists, Defined
October 1, 2011
Certain traits, practices make the OBGYN hospitalist model a breed apart
Dr. Hospitalist
October 1, 2011
HM Should Determine Admission Status, Location
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: A Discharge Solution—or Problem?
October 1, 2011
Although helpful for some, discharge lounges won’t solve systemic bed-management issues
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Experts discuss strategies to improve early discharges
October 1, 2011
Emergency Nurses Association President AnnMarie Papa discusses patient partnerships; Ken Simone explains the pressures hospitals face in moving patients and potential incentives to get nurses on board the early-discharge train
Nocturnists’ Compensation Puzzles Practice Leaders
September 2, 2011
Welcome to “Survey Insights,” a new section devoted to exploring and interpreting information from the survey conducted jointly by SHM and the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA).