How Should Physicians Assess and Manage Pressure Ulcers in the Hospitalized Patient?
February 25, 2013
Assessments of pressure ulcer stage, wound infection, and risk factors guide targeted therapeutic interventions that facilitate wound healing and prevent new pressure ulcer formation
John Nelson: Why Spinal Epidural Abcess Poses A Particular Liability Risk for Hospitalists
February 2, 2013
The delayed diagnosis of, or treatment for, a spinal epidural abcess (SEA) could easily result in a malpractice lawsuit for hospitalists
New Anticoagulants Offer Promise, but Obstacles Remain
February 2, 2013
An overview of the pros and cons of the recently introduced anticoagulant drugs dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban
Clinical Shorts
February 2, 2013
INFLUENZA VACCINE EFFECTIVENESS VARIES BY AGE Case-control study of the 2010-2011 influenza vaccine found overall vaccine effectiveness to be 60%, ranging from 69% in those ages 3 to 8 to just 36% in those 65 or older. Citation: Treanor JJ, Talbot HK, Ohmit SE, et al.
Procalcitonin Nears Prime Time
February 2, 2013
What is the relationship between procalcitonin (ProCT) levels and radiographic abnormalities in patients with suspected pneumonia?
Readmission after Initial Injury Is Common
February 2, 2013
How frequently are patients readmitted after an initial inpatient stay for an injury, and what factors might predict readmission?
Daily Sedation Interruption among Intubated Not Helpful
February 2, 2013
Does sedation by protocol, in combination with daily sedative interruption, reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU stay?
Risk for Falls Might Not Affect Anticoagulation Decision
February 2, 2013
Do patients on oral anticoagulation with high fall risk have an increased incidence of major bleeding?
Improving Transitions from ED to Inpatient Care
February 2, 2013
Can a multidisciplinary focus group identify “best practices” for ensuring efficient and effective transitions of care between the ED and the inpatient setting?
Serious Complications from Opioid Overuse in Hospitalized Patients Prompts Nationwide Alert
February 2, 2013
A Joint Commission alert urges hospitalists to adopt measures to avoid dosing errors and improve the care of patients on opioid analgesics in acute-care settings