Hospitalwide Reductions in Pediatric Patient Harm are Achievable
March 1, 2013
Quality care initiatives are needed to eliminate preventable harm, improve safety for pediatric inpatients
ITL: Physician Reviews of HM-Relevant Research
March 1, 2013
Guidelines on steroids and antivirals to treat Bell’s palsy; Probiotics to reduce Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea; Rates of hemorrhage from warfarin therapy higher in clinical practice; Less experienced doctors incur higher treatment costs; Pay-for-performance incentive reduces mortality in England; No benefit in ultrafiltration to treat acute heart failure; Hospitalized patients often receive too much acetaminophen; Longer anticoagulation therapy beneficial after bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement; Antimicrobial-coated catheters and risk of urinary tract infection; Patient outcomes improve after in-hospital cardiac arrest
Affordable Care Act Provides Two-Year Increase in Medicaid Payments for Primary-Care Services
March 1, 2013
Medicaid-to-Medicare parity regulation will increase total revenue for some hospitalist groups
Multiple Patient-Safety Events Affect 1 in 1000 Hospitalizations
March 1, 2013
Co-occurring events contributed to longer lengths of stay and higher hospital costs for 30,000 patients in 2004
New Anticoagulation Website Offers Guidelines, Self-Assessment Tools
March 1, 2013
Online resource center useful for hospital-based outpatient clinics treating patients on anti-thrombotic medications
Post-Hospital Syndrome Contributes to Readmission Risk for Elderly
March 1, 2013
Sleep deprivation and other patient stressors in hospitals may hike 30-day readmission rates, experts suggest
How Should Physicians Assess and Manage Pressure Ulcers in the Hospitalized Patient?
February 25, 2013
Assessments of pressure ulcer stage, wound infection, and risk factors guide targeted therapeutic interventions that facilitate wound healing and prevent new pressure ulcer formation
John Nelson: Why Spinal Epidural Abcess Poses A Particular Liability Risk for Hospitalists
February 2, 2013
The delayed diagnosis of, or treatment for, a spinal epidural abcess (SEA) could easily result in a malpractice lawsuit for hospitalists
New Anticoagulants Offer Promise, but Obstacles Remain
February 2, 2013
An overview of the pros and cons of the recently introduced anticoagulant drugs dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban
Clinical Shorts
February 2, 2013
INFLUENZA VACCINE EFFECTIVENESS VARIES BY AGE Case-control study of the 2010-2011 influenza vaccine found overall vaccine effectiveness to be 60%, ranging from 69% in those ages 3 to 8 to just 36% in those 65 or older. Citation: Treanor JJ, Talbot HK, Ohmit SE, et al.