No Short-term Mortality Benefit with Use of Colloids over Crystalloids for Fluid Resuscitation in the ICU (CRISTAL)
January 17, 2014
As compared with crystalloid therapy, does the use of colloid solutions for fluid resuscitation in the intensive care unit improve mortality in critically ill patients with hypovolemic shock?
How Many Americans Will Remain Uninsured?
January 2, 2014
The “coverage gap” could affect as many as five million, putting the squeeze on safety net hospitals
Hospitalist Joshua Lenchus, DO, RPh, SFHM, Says Obamacare Might Impact Patient Access, Physician Workload
January 2, 2014
Joshua Lenchus, DO, RPh, SFHM, associate professor of clinical medicine in the division of hospital medicine at the University of Miami, talks about how the ACA's provisions, including an increase in the number of insured patients, might impact patient access to care and doctor workload
Reflections on the Hospital Environment
January 2, 2014
Great hospitalists exhibit superior communication skills, teamwork, and the ability to empathize with patients
New Feature Melds SHM’s Online Community with LinkedIn
January 2, 2014
LinkedIn Connect allows hospitalists to repurpose elements of member profile to HM Exchange
Fewer Catheter-Related Complications with Central Access in ICU Patients
December 20, 2013
What type of venous access -- central or peripheral -- is better for patients in the intensive care unit who have no absolute indication for central access?
Intravenous Haloperidol Does Not Prevent ICU Delirium
December 5, 2013
Research suggests physicians avoid using scheduled antipsychotics to reduce ICU delirium in critically ill inpatients
Two Major Studies Show Benefits of CAUTI Reduction Measures
December 2, 2013
Hospitalists improve outcomes with appropriate, prompt catheter removal
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine EVP Explains Hospitalists’ Important Role in End-of-Life Planning
December 2, 2013
Listen to more of our interview with Porter Storey, MD, executive vice president of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.
Geisinger Hospitalist, Chief Quality Officer Discusses Issues
December 2, 2013
John Bulger, DO, FACP, SFHM, hospitalist and chief quality officer at Geisinger Health System in Pennsylvania.