Colonic Malignancy Risk Appears Low After Uncomplicated Diverticulitis
August 1, 2014
Risk of malignancy was less than 1% for patients who had a colonic evaluation after episode of uncomplicated diverticulitis
Physician Burnout Reduced with Intervention Groups
August 1, 2014
Small-group intervention lessened physicians’ feelings of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion while boosting engagement, empowerment
Adult Hospital Medicine Boot Camp for Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners
August 1, 2014
Society of Hospital Medicine's annual program scheduled Oct. 2–5 at Atlanta’s Westin Peachtree Plaza hotel
Deaf Hospitalist Focuses on Teaching, Co-Management, Patient-Centered Care
August 1, 2014
Hospitalist team leader, educator Christopher Moreland, MD, MPH, FACP, has changed how peers regard doctors with disabilities
Hospitals Lose $45.9 Billion in Uncompensated Care in 2012
July 1, 2014
American Hospital Association survey ties revenue loss to bad debt, charity care provided to patients who can't pay
Yogurt May Reduce Clostridium Difficile Infection Rate
July 1, 2014
Incidence of C.diff cut by two-thirds among inpatients on antibiotics who ate yogurt at Pennsylvania-based hospital
Home Hospice Providers Offer Best Practices for End-of-Life Care
July 1, 2014
Hospice care techniques improved outcomes, comfort for dying patients
When Should You Suspect Kawasaki Disease as the Cause of Fever in an Infant?
July 1, 2014
Clinicians should be suspicious of KD in young infants with unexplained fevers lasting more than seven days
Three Ways to Improve Quality of Patient Care in Your Hospital
July 1, 2014
Society of Hospital Medicine's glycemic control mentored implementation program, Project BOOST, Choosing Wisely competition can help
American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation’s Choosing Wisely Campaign Promotes Evidence-Based Patient Care
June 1, 2014
Specialty societies, consumer groups have identified more than 300 potentially harmful tests, procedures physicians should discuss with patients; more to come throughout 2014