Emergency Department Signout via Voicemail Yields Mixed Reviews
October 27, 2014
Clinical question: How does traditional, oral signout from emergency providers to inpatient medicine physicians compare to dictated, voicemail signout? Background: Communication failures contribute to errors in care transition from ED to inpatient medicine units.
Emergency Department “Boarding” Results in Undesirable Events
October 27, 2014
Clinical question: What is the frequency and nature of undesirable events experienced by patients who “board” in the ED? Background: Hospital crowding results in patients spending extended amounts of time—also known as “boarding”—in the ED as they wait for an inpatient bed.
Decreased ICU Duty Hours Does Not Affect Patient Mortality
October 27, 2014
Clinical question: Does the reduction in work hours for residents affect mortality in medical and surgical ICUs? Background: A reduction in work hours for residents was enforced in July 2003.
Clinical Advice for Peri-Operative Patient Care
October 15, 2014
New book in Hospital Medicine: Current Concepts series offers pearls, pitfalls around systems of care, risk management, post-operative care for hospitalized patients
Patient Engagement Growing Focus for Hospitals
October 15, 2014
Involving inpatients in their treatment, recovery may help hospitals customize their care
Once-Weekly Antibiotic Might Be Effective for Treatment of Acute Bacterial Skin Infections
October 15, 2014
Research suggests intravenous dalbavancin similarly efficacious to intravenous vancomycin
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Outperforms Noctural Oxygen for Blood Pressure Reduction
October 15, 2014
CPAP better at decreasing 24-hour mean arterial pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnea, coronary artery disease, cardiac risk factors
Lactate Clearance Portends Better Outcomes after Cardiac Arrest
October 13, 2014
Lower lactate levels, greater clearance associated with better survival, neurological outcomes
Time to Meds Matters for Patients with Cardiac Arrest Due to Nonshockable Rhythms
October 13, 2014
Earlier administration of epinephrine associated with better survival outcomes
Frailty Indices Tool Predicts Post-Operative Complications, Mortality after Elective Surgery in Geriatric Patients
October 13, 2014
Tool uses pre-operative comprehensive geriatric assessment that includes fraily measurement