LISTEN NOW: Kristen Kulasa, MD, Explains How Hospitalists Can Work with Nutritionists and Dieticians
November 10, 2014
Kristen Kulasa, MD, assistant clinical professor of medicine and director of Inpatient Glycemic Control, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism at the University of California in San Diego, provides tips on how hospitalists can work with nutritionists and dieticians for the betterment o
LISTEN NOW: Dr. Carolyn Zelop, MD, Discusses Cardiovascular Emergencies in Pregnant Women
November 10, 2014
Listen now to excerpts of our interview with Dr. Zelop, a board certified maternal-fetal medicine specialist and director of perinatal ultrasound and research at Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, N.J. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Insulin Rules in the Hospital
November 10, 2014
Although new medications to manage and treat hyperglycemia and diabetes continuously appear on the market, national guidelines and position statements consistently refer to insulin as the treatment of choice in the inpatient hospital setting. “When patients are admitted to the hospital, our stand
The Increasing Presence of Pregnant Patients in Hospital Medicine
November 10, 2014
Twenty years ago, pregnant women rarely appeared in the hospital for reasons other than delivery.
Evidence-Based Medicine Guru Implores Hospitalists to Join Cause
November 5, 2014
Gordon Guyatt, MD, who coined the term evidence-based medicine in a 1992 JAMA article, outlined EBM principles and challenged hospitalists to challenge the research.
Hospitalists Flock to Annual Meeting’s Bedside Procedures Pre-Courses
November 5, 2014
From early-career hospitalists looking to gain hands-on experience with intraosseous lines to family-medicine trained physicians brushing up on ultrasound usage, the procedures' pre-courses at SHM annual meetings receive rave reviews.
Room for Improvement in Identifying, Treating Sepsis
November 4, 2014
Despite huge strides in the treatment of heart failure, pneumonia and myocardial infarction, hospitals have a long way to go in improving care for patients with sepsis, say the authors of a recent commentary published online in JAMA. In a related study published in July in JAMA, sepsis was found
Primary-Care Physicians Weigh in on Quality of Care Transitions
November 4, 2014
A new study on transitions of care gives hospitalists a view from the other side. Published recently online in the Journal of Hospital Medicine, the authors surveyed 22 primary-care physician leaders in California-based post-discharge clinics and asked them about ways to improve care transitions.
Physician Tips Help Hone Clinicians’ Practice Management, Decision-Making Skills
November 3, 2014
Physician Tips Help Hone Clinicians' Practice Management, Decision-Making Skills
When Should You Decolonize Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Hospitalized Patients?
November 2, 2014
When Should You Decolonize Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Hospitalized Patients?