Sneak Peek: Journal of Hospital Medicine – Sept. 2017
September 20, 2017
Read the latest research from the Journal of Hospital Medicine, the premier publication for dissemination of research and education for the specialty of hospital medicine.
VIDEO: Educational intervention boosts A fib anticoagulation
September 19, 2017
BARCELONA – Patient education and feedback increased anticoagulation and cut strokes.
Statins linked to lower death rates in COPD
September 19, 2017
Researchers explore whether COPD progression results from systemic inflammation.
Hospital-led interventions cut pediatric asthma hospitalizations
September 18, 2017
A range of hospital-driven interventions achieved various benefits for asthmatic children and adolescents in Hamilton County, Ohio.
VIDEO: What’s new in AAP’s pediatric hypertension guidelines
September 15, 2017
SAN FRANCISCO – Some of the advice is similar to the group’s last effort in 2004, but there are a few key changes.
Increase in sepsis incidence stable from 2009 to 2014
September 15, 2017
EHR-based analysis proves more accurate for determining sepsis incidence.
Bezlotoxumab may lower risk of C. difficile readmissions
September 11, 2017
A phase 3 drug trial shows promise for high-risk recurrent CDI patients after discharge.
Alcohol misuse universal screening effective and efficient
September 10, 2017
An alcohol misuse screening for all patients may be feasible, and here’s how.
Study: Don’t separate NAS infants from moms
September 7, 2017
NASHVILLE, TENN. – New approach reduces medication use, hospital length of stay, and cost.
Ivabradine cut mortality in HFrEF patients not on beta-blocker
September 7, 2017
BARCELONA – Secondary analysis of SHIFT trial suggests potential expanded role for heart failure agent.