Antiplatelet therapy can be continued through surgery without increased risk of reintervention for bleeding
November 9, 2017
Does continuing antiplatelet therapy through noncardiac surgery increase the risk of postoperative blood transfusion or surgical reintervention for bleeding?
Public health hazard: Bring your flu to work day
November 8, 2017
Many physicians and pharmacists report working while having influenza-like illness.
Identifying high-value care practices
November 8, 2017
A high-value care rounding tool could be used to measure the relationship between HVC behaviors and actual patient outcomes.
November 8, 2017
A brief roundup of HM-centric research.
Infections increase risk of idiopathic VTE
November 8, 2017
Beware the increased risk of VTE in patients with infections.
Developing machines that detect disease
November 7, 2017
Several companies around the world are working on improving the noninvasive technology.
Rates, predictors, and variability of interhospital transfers
November 7, 2017
Clinical question: What is the national frequency of interhospital transfers, and are there any patient or hospital factors that predict these transfers?
Rib fracture diagnosis in the panscan era
November 6, 2017
Clinical question: Do rib fractures observed on chest CT carry the same morbidity and mortality risk as those observed in chest radiograph?
Mortality risks associated with emergency admission during weekends and public holidays
November 3, 2017
Clinical question: What factors contribute to increased mortality in weekend hospital admissions?
Applying Choosing Wisely principles to telemetry and catheter use
November 3, 2017
The project demonstrated a trend toward less telemetry use, fewer catheters ordered, and more selective utilization of catheters in sicker patients.