Journal of Hospital Medicine – Dec. 2017
December 21, 2017
Read the latest research from the Journal of Hospital Medicine, the premier publication for dissemination of research and education for the specialty of hospital medicine.
Use of the dual-antiplatelet therapy score to guide treatment duration after percutaneous coronary intervention
December 20, 2017
Clinical question: Can the dual-antiplatelet therapy scoring system be used to determine which patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) would benefit from prolonged (24 months) DAPT?
Outcomes of alcohol septal ablation in younger patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
December 19, 2017
Clinical question: Is alcohol septal ablation (ASA) safe in younger patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)?
When should I transfuse a patient who has anemia?
December 19, 2017
In the presence of active blood loss or hemodynamic instability, blood transfusion should be considered independent of the initial hemoglobin level.
Treat sleep apnea with positive airway pressure, but don’t expect it to prevent heart attacks
December 18, 2017
Clinical question: In patients with sleep apnea, does using positive airway pressure (PAP) treatment prevent adverse cardiovascular events and death?
You aren’t (necessarily) a walking petri dish!
December 15, 2017
Does exposure to a patient with a multidrug-resistant organism result in colonization of a health care provider?
Inpatient antiviral treatment reduces ICU admissions among influenza patients
December 14, 2017
In-hospital flu vaccinations could keep adults out of the ICU
Idarucizumab reverses anticoagulation effects of dabigatran
December 14, 2017
Can idarucizumab reverse anticoagulation effects of dabigatran in a timely manner for urgent surgery or in the event of bleeding?
Helping patients with addictions get, stay clean
December 13, 2017
Advise patients to consider programs affiliated with major medical centers or established treatment centers, an expert says.
FDA approves premixed, low-volume colon-cleansing solution
December 13, 2017
The best way to ensure a good colonoscopy is with an effective prep.