How to manage a patient presenting with syncope
January 4, 2018
Obtaining a detailed history is crucial to determining which patients with syncope are at high risk for adverse outcomes.
Thrombectomy shines in presence of a clinical deficit and imaging mismatch
January 3, 2018
Less disability, greater functional independence, and less neurologic deterioration was observed for thrombectomy plus standard care.
Majority of influenza-related deaths among hospitalized patients occur after discharge
January 2, 2018
SAN DIEGO – More than 50% of hospitalized patients who died after a diagnosis of influenza expired within 30 days of hospital discharge.
Short Takes
December 29, 2017
A brief roundup of HM-centric research.
ACC guidance addresses newer HFrEF options
December 28, 2017
Opportunities are being missed.
FDA approves angiotensin II for shock patients
December 28, 2017
Treatment option for critically ill hypotensive patients who do not adequately respond to available therapies.
Improvements made in safe opioid prescribing practices but crisis far from over
December 28, 2017
Clinical question: How have national and county-level opioid prescribing practices changed from the years 2006 to 2015?
Addition of azithromycin to maintenance therapy is beneficial in adults with uncontrolled asthma
December 27, 2017
Clinical question: Does azithromycin decrease the frequency of asthma exacerbations in adults with persistent asthma symptoms despite use of inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) and a long-acting beta-agonist (LABA)?
Isolation precautions are associated with higher costs, longer LOS
December 22, 2017
Clinical question: What are the effects of isolation precautions on hospital outcomes and cost of care?
Urgent endoscopy is associated with lower mortality in high-risk patients with acute nonvariceal GI bleeding
December 21, 2017
Is urgent endoscopy (less than 6 hours after ED presentation) better than elective endoscopy (6-48 hours after presentation) to decrease mortality and rebleeding in high-risk patients with acute nonvariceal