Influenza: All that and MI too
January 24, 2018
Admissions for myocardial infarction spike after laboratory-confirmed flu infection.
Persistent opioid use a risk after surgery in teens and young adults
January 24, 2018
Higher initial opioid requirements didn’t necessarily mean persistent opioid use later.
Journal of Hospital Medicine – Jan. 2018
January 24, 2018
Read the latest from the Journal of Hospital Medicine, the premier publication for dissemination of research for the specialty of hospital medicine.
Predicting MDR Gram-negative infection mortality risk
January 24, 2018
Several factors were predictive of mortality risk in hospitalized patients with multidrug resistant Gram-negative infections.
Rural residents admitted for opioid overdoses increasingly are hospitalized in urban hospitals
January 24, 2018
Is there an association between rurality and trends and characteristics of hospitalizations for opioid overdose?
Beware the COPD exacerbation
January 23, 2018
If a COPD patient has all the classic symptoms of an exacerbation, are there still other diagnoses to consider?
PPIs, certain antibiotics increase risk of hospital onset C. difficile infection
January 23, 2018
Deprescribing acid suppression therapy coupled with antibiotic stewardship could greatly reduce the incidence of hospital-onset C. difficile infection.
NSAIDs reduce spinal pain but are not “clinically important”
January 19, 2018
Are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs effective at reducing neck and low back pain?
Charting a new course in sepsis management
January 18, 2018
Quality improvement initiatives help hospitalists navigate the challenges of ward-based sepsis care.
Risk-stratification tool predicts severe hypoglycemia
January 18, 2018
Can a clinical tool be developed to predict severe hypoglycemia in at-risk patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D)?