CMS finalizes measures to help combat opioid crisis
April 5, 2018
Federal agencies and leaders are taking a multipronged approach to the opioid crisis.
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) does not improve exercise time in patients with stable angina
April 5, 2018
Does PCI provide symptom relief in patients with stable angina?
Unusual antibiotic resistance found in more than 200 bacteria
April 4, 2018
Rare and unusual antibiotic resistance can be stamped out with aggressive prevention and control strategies.
Any detectable high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTn) level is associated with adverse outcomes
April 4, 2018
What is the association between high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTn) levels and outcomes in patients with chest pain?
Few acutely ill hospitalized patients receive VTE prophylaxis
April 2, 2018
The results “imply that there is a significantly unmet need for effective VTE prophylaxis in both the inpatient and outpatient continuum of care.”
A SNF-based enhanced care program may help reduce 30-day readmissions
April 2, 2018
Does introduction of an Enhanced Care Program affect 30-day readmissions of patients discharged from an acute care hospital to a skilled nursing facility (SNF)?
Protocol helped identify hospitalized children at risk for VTE
March 30, 2018
SAN DIEGO – Children with hospital-acquired VTE tended to be more medically complex, a single-center study showed.
Warfarin dose capping avoided supratherapeutic INRs in hospitalized elderly
March 30, 2018
SAN DIEGO – Limiting the initial dose of warfarin to 2.5 mg or less for hospitalized patients aged 85 years and older led to significant reductions in supratherapeutic INRs.
New IDSA guidelines for managing infectious diarrhea
March 30, 2018
Clinical question: What is the best management of acute or persistent infectious diarrhea in adults and children?
Synthetic opioids drive increase in overdose deaths
March 29, 2018
Illegally manufactured fentanyl is now being combined with other drugs.