FDA approves Doptelet for liver disease patients undergoing procedures
May 22, 2018
Avatrombopag (Doptelet) is the first drug approved for thrombocytopenia in adults who have chronic liver disease and are undergoing a procedure.
Short Takes
May 22, 2018
Cohort study showed that Medicare patients cared for by hospitalists in their first year of practice experienced higher in-hospital and 30-day mortality, compared with patients cared for by hospitalists in their second year of practice.
The hospitalist as intensivist
May 21, 2018
What roles, training, and support do hospitalists have and perceive in the intensive care unit?
For Gram-negative bacteremias, 7 days of antibiotics is enough
May 20, 2018
MADRID – Two weeks of antibiotic treatment conferred no benefits over 7 days of treatment in patients with Gram-negative bacteremias.
Three days of beta-lactam beat clinically stable CAP
May 19, 2018
For some community-acquired pneumonia patients, short-term antibiotic therapy is a viable alternative to traditional longer courses.
VIDEO: Pills alone not the answer for pain management
May 19, 2018
SANDESTIN, FLA. – A variety of approaches to pain management is absolutely crucial in the area of opioid abuse.
Guidelines to optimize treatment of reduced ejection fraction heart failure
May 18, 2018
What guidance is there for clinical care of complex heart failure patients?
Long-acting bronchodilators increase CVD risk in certain COPD patients
May 17, 2018
Is the initiation of inhaled long-acting beta2-agonist (LABA) or long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMA) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) associated with increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk?
ESBL-B before colorectal surgery ups risk of surgical site infection
May 17, 2018
MADRID – ESBL-B appears to be a factor in infection after colorectal surgery.
Two more and counting: Suicide in medical trainees
May 16, 2018
Dr. Michael F. Myers offers context for the latest discussions about physician suicides and calls on the medical community to act now.