Negative chest x-ray to rule out pediatric pneumonia
August 28, 2018
Chest radiography can be used to rule out pneumonia in children suspecting of having the disease, and thus reduce antibiotic use.
Rivaroxaban no help for heart failure outcomes
August 27, 2018
MUNICH - Rivaroxaban did not change outcome in patients with heart failure and coronary artery disease in the COMMANDER trial.
VTE risk unchanged by rivaroxaban after discharge
August 26, 2018
The MARINER study looked at postdischarge rivaroxaban in individuals who had been recently hospitalized and were at an increased risk of venous thromboembolism.
Replacing warfarin with a NOAC in patients on chronic anticoagulation therapy
August 22, 2018
Hospitalists are in a great position to discuss a switch to a NOAC in selected patients.
New Valsalva maneuver for SVT beats all others
August 21, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – A simple postural modification to the standard Valsalva maneuver boosts conversion rate.
Some PE patients don’t require hospitalization
August 21, 2018
A risk assessment of patients with pulmonary embolism could prevent some hospitalizations.
Comparison of analgesia methods for neonatal circumcision
August 20, 2018
One of the primary risks of neonatal circumcision is pain during and after the procedure.
A new, simple, inexpensive DVT diagnostic aid
August 20, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – The CBC holds info that outperforms the D-dimer test.
AHA: Chagas disease and its heart effects have come to the U.S.
August 20, 2018
Chagas disease and its related cardiomyopathy are spreading to nonendemic areas and doctors should be aware of its diagnosis, pathology, and treatment.
CDC: 2017 worst year yet for drug overdoses
August 17, 2018
Deaths tied to synthetic opioids climbed faster than any other drug class.