Daptomycin/fosfomycin: A new standard for MRSA bacteremia?
October 25, 2018
Better survival was seen for MRSA bacteremia at 7 days using the combo vs. monotherapy.
FDA clears Abbott’s Influenza A & B 2, Strep A 2 assays
October 25, 2018
The Influenza A & B 2 assay can detect and differentiate influenza A and B in 13 minutes, while the Strep A 2 assay detects group A streptococcus bacterial nucleic acid in 6 minutes.
Length of stay, complications predict readmission for cirrhosis patients
October 25, 2018
PHILADELPHIA – Patients with cirrhosis have a higher risk of hospital readmission if their length of stay is less than 4 days, if they have cirrhosis-related complications, and if they are discharged to an extended-care facility or to home health care, according to a recent presentation at the annual meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology.
FDA approves Xofluza for treatment of influenza
October 24, 2018
The FDA has approved Xofluza for acute uncomplicated influenza in people aged 12 years or older who have been symptomatic for 48 hours or less.
Stroke risk in elderly following AMI extends to 12 weeks
October 24, 2018
ATLANTA – The prolonged period of heightened risk was evident in patients with both STEMI and NSTEMI.
Drug overdose deaths down since late 2017
October 23, 2018
Longer-term trend, however, shows an increase of 2.7% during the 12 months ending in March 2018, compared with March 2017.
Reducing alarm fatigue
October 22, 2018
A centralized monitoring system might help reduce unimportant alarms with no increase in cardiopulmonary arrest events.
Readmission to non-index hospital following acute stroke linked to worse outcomes
October 22, 2018
ATLANTA – Study adds to the stroke literature on nationwide estimates of 30-day readmissions.
Blood test may obviate need for head CTs in brain trauma evaluation
October 20, 2018
SAN DIEGO – A biomarker blood test to evaluate patients for suspected TBI was associated with a high negative predictive value in a large trial.
DAPT’s benefit after stroke or TIA clusters in first 21 days
October 19, 2018
MONTREAL – The superiority of clopidogrel plus aspirin over aspirin alone was apparent only during the first 21 days of treatment.